Header Photo: The Oversnow Party. L to R: Bruce Herrod, Bill Perry, Nigel Young, Ash Morton (Photo: Bruce Herrod)
Ronne Ice Shelf Oversnow Traverses (continued)

On 1st December 1982 the Chief Pilot Garry Studd decided it was time to go to the Ronne taking the overesnow party out to start distributing depots from the main depot that had been put there near to the Weddell Sea coast by RRS Bransfield in 1980, so the oversnow survey work could finally begin, lasting two summer seasons. It quickly became clear that VP-FBC’s Omega global VLF navigation system was not functioning well in the deep field as attempts to find our depots led to Russian and Argentinian depots instead. Depot duty was duly delegated to VP-FBB with the Doppler TANS onboard navigation system which proved more appropriate during the depot work and subsequent airborne geophysical surveys.
During two summer seasons a total of 3500 km of ice shelf were traversed by the oversnow party, complemented by my bit – over 14000 line-kilometres of airborne data (see following story). You can read all about it in Herrod and Garrett (1986) Geophysical Fieldwork on the Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, First Break vol. 4 no. 1 pp. 9-14.