The Terrors (continued)
l have run this team since January 1961. With only six months break though only half of the original team are still with us.
During this year we have had some big loads and poor surfaces and when keeping moving has been difficult they have come in for some appalling driving in the way of short temper on my part, though not a little of this stemmed from my knowing what they were capable of.
Team Strength
The season was started With 9 dogs; Nick and Jade died in a crevasse accident in May and were replaced by Sleek and Olga in June. Olga died in September and Cain and Onyx joined the Spartans for a short time. Princess joined us in October. Sleek has now been transferred to the Moomins and the team now stands at: Jet, Princess, Olga, Kelly, Cain, Coll, Mae and Bryn.
Handling Notes
The standard words of command have been used with the exception of the words ‘are you ready” always preceding the ‘up dogs-Huit.‘
Pull away and Whistling are the most. common of an alarming range of chivvying noises usually ending in a scream.
They have not been made to ’lie-down‘ on voice command but it may well be worth starting this again
Running Order
Has varied during the year. Cain has been replaced by Jet as leader. The positions of the dogs now in the team are let or Princess in the lead followed by Onyx and Cain, Kelly and Bryn then Coll and Mac. For next season I would swop Kelly and-Bryn this will mean that they will swop sides. I suggest this to get the older dogs back and the younger ones forward which will help from both speed and strength point of view.
The night span order which will give no trouble is Kelly, Princess, Cain, (miss one) Mac and Bryn on the cowcatcher then the sledge and Coll Jet and Onyx. The back section of the night trace is of chain as Jet and Onyx are inveterate chewers and also take their harnesses off.
All other harnesses can be left on though I usually take them off if I have time.
Individual Characteristics
JET – took over the lead in October from Cain. Has youth and speed on his side and shows promise. Knows the commands but lacks convictions to overcome distinctions from behind. Still ‘puppy-ish‘ and during stops spends most of his time playing with Princess. Happy and friendly. When camping at night spends an incessant noise until fed. He chews on night span so make sure there are no ropes in reach.
PRINCESS – at 10 months old has covered 1500 miles, visiting numerous bases. With all this worldly experience she is still very puppy-ish though she settles down better when working. She has very vague idea of direction commands and has in fact been running solo for 3 months behind Jet. She and Jet are great buddies. I think this arrangement is worth continuing. Slightly timid. Stronger than she looks, full of coiled springs and is due to have pups in March.
ONYX – brother and pal of Jet but more mature and aggressive. Very spirited and friendly but not the hardest of workers. If he starts being idle give him a tum on the cow- catcher, and thump him occasionally. Take care when you do this or he will quickly tie you up.
KELLY – hardworking friendly and very likeable. Runs on right or left Bounces like a rubber ball.
COLL – has always run on the right usually paired with Mac. A neurotic snapper who starts and always loses fights. If you can keep him out of trouble he will prove a strong and valuable dog especially in heavy going. Will eat anything, had an operation early in the year to remove bits of bone from his intestine and appears to have fully recovered. Don‘t be put off by his behaviour if you need to thump him but keep this to a minimum. Keep swallowable sized bones away from him.
CAM – usually paired with Kelly if he is not leading. I often used him as such with the back 3 for sledging round base. Knows the commands well but does not dig out when leading and is a greater asset when back in the team. Very friendly and likeable and positively enjoys a good honest scrap if one is going,
MAC and BRYN – as a back pair don’t mind which side they run on. Mac a bit lame with a cut pad and a bit slower than he was. Both enjoy fights and often act as a pair in starting one up.
Out of fairness to the dogs I have tried to judge them by the standard of the other teams and rather than to ask them to do what they are capable of. During the six years they have been going they have certainly been one of the hardest worked teams on BAS and for 5 of the six years have covered the highest mileage. Cain Mae and Bryn have done 13,000+ miles and Coll has done more.
They know all the tricks in the book and will whip through their repertoire with remarkable efficiency given half a chance if they think their driver is slightly out of touch.
Noel Downham – Met. Admiralty Bay – 1960; GA – Hope Bay – 1961 & 1963; GA/BC – Stonington – 1964