Parties (continued)

The Minstrel Band (Photo: Bill Taylor)

Over the winter of 1969, in the true traditions of the Heroic Era, every opportunity (excuse?) to celebrate birthdays and national holidays was taken up with enthusiasm. For the birthdays closest to mid-winter, the entertainment value was extended by adopting fancy dress themes, with all costumes to be kept secret until the moment of celebration, and thereby milking the entertainment value as in the days leading up to the party, the Fids secreted themselves in quiet corners of the base to manufacture their costumes and props.

Barrie (Photo: Bill Taylor)

Back in the 60s, issues of political correctness simply weren’t part of our thinking, for this was a time when the most popular television programme of the week was the BBC’s Black and White Minstrel Show. I am absolutely certain that there was never any racial insult or slur intended.

Bandmember (Photo: Bill Taylor)
Smoko (Photo: Bill Taylor)

On a less formal note, once the Spring had arrived, opportunities were taken to break with routine, with “afternoon Smoko on the terrace” and the odd barbecue.

Sunday was the Cook’s day off, and whoever the rota identified as “Sunday Cook” was sure to make a special effort tp produce something different.

Sunset Barbecue (Photo: Bill Taylor)

When Dick Bird found himself “unavailable” over Christmas and stuck at Fossil Bluff  when the weather prevented a return from his “jolly”, it fell upon me to prepare the food for Christmas, including a special lunch …