The Huns in 1969 approaching the top of the Shambles Glacier, Adelaide Island, looking east towards the Arrowsmith Peninsula and Rothera (Photo: Bill Taylor)
This story is as factual as can be determined, based on BAS Reports, personal anecdotes from Fids with knowledge of the facts and background, and Steve Tait’s book “Shambles”, a true story..
A Fatal Skidoo Journey – Rothera 1981
The Background Story

Ski-doos (“skidoos”) and various other mechnical methods of travel had been experimented with for many years – Fox-Tracs at Adelaide for travel to and from the airstrip, Eliasons (aka Elsans) – see Eliasoneering”, by Pete Kennett, Stonington, 1963; and various iterations of actual “ski-doos”.
Ski-doos had been used successfully for many years for field work from Fossil Bluff, mostly on the relatively safe King George VI Sound, and also had been used for cross-plateau trips, typically accompanied by (and on a couple of occasions, carried home by) dog teams from Stonington – see Dave Singleton’s stories in 1972.
Two Recreational Journeys on Adelaide from Rothera, 1981
From BAS Reports By Kind Permission of the British Antarctic Survey
Report on Crevasse Accident – Mark P.D. Lewis (BC)
(BAS Field Report AD6/2R/1981/HI)
On Thursday 30th April Sledge Golf comprising of John Anderson (General Assistant) and Nigel Hadley (Tractor Mechanic) departed Rothera with a proposed destination of the old Adelaide Base. On Friday 1st May Sledge Hotel comprising Stephen Tait (General Assistant) and Robert Atkinson (Cook) departed Rothera with the intention of visiting the northern end of Adelaide Island. The two field trips were for recreational purposes and to have been of approximately ten days duration.

Field Report of Sledge Hotel – May 1st to May 16, 1981 – Steve Tait
(BAS Field Report AD6/2R/1981/HI)
Stephen Tait (General Assistant), Robert Atkinson (Cook)
The journey was undertaken primarily as a holiday, with the objective in mind of reaching Cape Mascart at the northern most point of Adelaide Island. We were then intending to travel south to Adelaide base.
Sledge Report of Sledge Golf – May 16th, 1981 – Nigel Hadley
(BAS Field Report AD6/2R/1981/HI)
John Anderson (GA), Nigel Hadley (Mechanic)
As the preceeding events leading up to 16 May have been reported by Stephen Tait, I will start from the 16 May, and I will relate my thoughts and experiences of the day of the accident.
On the morning of the 16th, John and Steve got up early and sized up weather and travelling conditions. After a discussion they decided to make a move. Although conditions were far from perfect, I personally think that this was quite a reasonable move as we were running low on food and we had run out of paraffin. Bob’s physical condition was good, but I think, like me, he wished to get back to base. Steve and John proceeded to dig the outside gear out, and Bob and I cleared out the inside. I had taken the carburettors off the skidoos and dried them out, so I went outside fitted them and warmed them up.
Field Report AD6/2R/1981/K3 – Journey Report of Sledge India to Accident Site
Recovery Journey to Shambles Glacier Accident Site
Objectives: To Uplift and Return to Rothera all the Removable Equipment Remaining at the Shambles Glacier Accident Site
Board of Inquiry Findings
To follow