Stories, Anecdotes and "Grips" – By Fids, for Fids (and Friends and Relatives)
Around Stonington – Peter Kennett
Around Stonington – Peter Kennett
The 1940s FIDS base, Nissen hut and hangarMiIlerand Island – on the way to the DebenhamsEliason, with its home-made engine boxStonington SunsetCarrying 112 lbs from beach to hutMike Fleet Ice FishingGeorge McLeodMIke FleetPete KennettRonSven SpartanTony Harnessing RuthAthos SpartanUnloading stores from the RRS John BiscoeRRS John Biscoe in Fast IceSkiing by floodlight and in a snow flurry!Stonington with Wave Clouds