Stories, Anecdotes and "Grips" – By Fids, for Fids (and Friends and Relatives)
Peter Kennett’s Photos 1
Around Stonington – Peter Kennett
Base E, Stonington Island from Anemometer HillHMS Protector February 1963Whirlwind Mk 1 February 1963Debenham Islands from the air, 29 Feb 1964Stonington base in moonlightRon Tindal plane tabling for Peter Kennett maggysurvey on sea ice near Stonington 1963Eliason and berg on sea ice at Base ERuth with ice flowersTony cutting snow blocksBoiling water to ice at -40CCrevasses on the Northeast GlacierBase E from the airRRS Shackleton at Stonington, March 1963